location data is crucial for digital transformation
23 october 2020 – The use of location data is required within the governments digital transformation agenda, and the “state of the world” at the time of COVID-19 underlines its importance: digitizing (work) processes is no longer an option, rather it is a necessity. Using location intelligence is cruciaas all processes of federal, and in particular local and regional governments can be linked directly or indirectly to locations in some capacity.

Fireworks cause nuisance; if they do not follow the guidelines set by the government. Similarly, applying for an construction permit can be challenging as multiple lays and standards must be followed. Keeping waterways free of blockages all around the year too has challenges. These are all examples of government processes in the Netherlads that require location data in one form or another. And often lots and lots of location data.
Saying that it comes with “challenges” is an understatement. One of these challenges is that those locations are constantly changing. A building is being demolished or constructed. Garbage is littered and removed again. Plots of land are cultivated, nature and vegetation gradually change in character.

The solution
How can you tackle these challenges to work more efficiently in the future? Using two practical examples at the municipality of Almere and het Gegevenshuis in Limburg, we explain how location intelligence can accelerate the process of digital transformation. Read the full article on iBestuur (in Dutch) >>